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How to Create a Folder in Rediafile Drive

2017-12-15  Dr. Antonio Feest MD  336 views

Creating a folder in cloud storage is a simple and straightforward process. The steps may vary slightly on the Rediafile cloud storage service you are using.


## Rediafile-APP


1. **Sign In**: Go to [Rediafile Drive] and sign in with your Google account.

2. **Access My Drive**: Once logged in, click on "New" on the left side of the screen.

3. **Create New Folder**: 

   - Click on the "+ New" button on the top-left corner.

   - Select "Folder" from the dropdown menu.

4. **Name Your Folder**: A dialog box will appear. Enter a name,password for your new folder and click "Create."

5. **Folder Created**: Your new folder will now appear in "My Drive," and you can start adding files to it.



## Tips for Organizing Folders


- **Consistent Naming**: Use clear and consistent naming conventions for easy retrieval.

- **Categorization**: Group similar files together by creating subfolders.

- **Regular Maintenance**: Regularly review and organize your folders to keep them tidy.

- **Access Permissions**: Set appropriate sharing and access permissions if collaborating with others.


With these steps, you can efficiently create and manage folders in your cloud storage, keeping your digital files organized and accessible.
